Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply to a Job

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply to a Job 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply to a Job As every job seeker knows, sending out applications can be a time-consuming process. Make sure your efforts count by putting forth documents that position you as a candidate worth considering. Below is a checklist of four questions to answer before hitting the “send” button to apply to a job. 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply to a Job Did I include everything for which the employer asked? While sending a resume is usually standard, employers oftentimes specify what else they want to receive. They may ask you to address certain qualifications within the cover letter, include samples, pass along references, or note your availability. Some request applicants use a particular subject line in order to make emails easier to sort (and to see who knows how to follow directions). Scrutinize the job ad to be sure you’ve covered all bases. Then, double-check that you’ve attached everything- it’ll spare you the embarrassment of having to resend your material because you forgot something the first time. Have I stayed on topic and provided concrete examples? While it’s tempting to throw in everything about yourself, this strategy can backfire by making it too difficult for employers to find what they need. Focus instead on relevant information that shows how you’re the right person for the job. Use actual examples from your background and previous experiences so that the hiring manager can begin to picture you in the position. Have I proofread thoroughly? It goes without saying that everything being sent should be spell-checked and proofread for typos, but don’t stop there. A read-through is a must, not just for grammar but also for accuracy. Is contact info included and up to date? Do links work? Is your font consistent? Does the salutation include the hiring manager’s name spelled correctly? Does everything make sense? (This last question is especially important if you cut and paste often when composing.) Based on what I’m sending, would I hire me? Finally, take a moment to reflect on the total package. Is your tone upbeat? Does your material appear tailored to this specific position, or does it come off as generic? Is there evidence that you know something about the company, or do you just seem overly eager to get any job? Fix any areas you find lacking. Perhaps you need to concentrate more on the employer’s agenda rather than your own, or maybe your text could benefit from a lively story or verbs that pack a stronger punch. The confidence that shines through when you’ve presented your best self may be just the edge that catches someone’s eye and lands you the job you want! Readers, do you ask yourselves these questions before you apply to a job? What else do you do before submitting your application? Share with us below!

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